Since its founding in 2013, The French Healthcare Alliance in China has sought to develop the best healthcare solutions for the Chinese society and the strongest collaboration in this field between France & China.
了解更多继广州和深圳项目后,11月28日Colisée及其合资公司招商高利泽在中国开设了第三家养老机构。 这家拥有180张床位的医养型养老院将以“呵护,无微不至”为使命,提供国际一流的健康护理服务。该项目位于在一个大型 CCRC(持续照料养老社区)中,包括除了医养型养老院外,还有 250 多套养老公寓,以及招商高利泽与当地政府联合管理的 66 个普惠型社区养老护理中心。
了解更多On September 17th, the French Healthcare Alliance (FHA) held with great success its 10th plenary meeting in Shanghai.
了解更多The French Healthcare Alliance in China introduction book is now available.
Download it on that link and feel free to contact us.
了解更多SAVE THE DATE: French Healthcare Alliance 10th plenary meeting - Friday. Sept. 17, 2021 - Shanghai
5 French companies joined the French Pavilion on the China Aid 2021 fair in Shanghai, from June 9th to 11th.
了解更多9月17日,法国健康产业联盟(FHA)在上海举行了第8次全体会议,共约100名来自健康产业的中法嘉宾参加了此次活动。法国驻上海总领事纪博伟先生(Benoit Guidée)致辞中肯定了法国健康产业界在中国的朝气蓬勃,并强调了其对于中法卫生领域紧密合作所发挥的关键作用。
了解更多On Tuesday, September 17th, from 8.30 to 13.30, at the Deloitte Cafe in Shanghai, the French Healthcare Alliance in China organizes its 8th plenary session. Limited seats, registration by scanning the QR Code.
The French Healthcare Alliance in China.
1) 杭州会背景
2) 微生物实验室建设分享
3) 微生物检测的重要性
4) 微生物实验室自动化 ‘硬实力’发展
5) 微生物实验室检验人员‘软实力’提升
On March 20th, in Shanghai, Euris Group hosts an event related to health data hosting. All information below.